" To choose an apartment here is to select one particular vision of what New York life can be. The crowds who troop around to open houses every Sunday are never just counting bathrooms and closets or calculating mortgage payments. They’re wondering whether they want to join the centennial parade of families who have occupied this particular enclosure, whether a refurbished tenement speaks of hoary miseries or new excitement, whether the view out each window is one they want to see every day, or whether they can see themselves in their prospective neighbors. To hunt for an apartment is to decide which New York you belong in, and what specific droplet of the city’s fickle soul has found its way into your veins." (New York Real Estate, April 3rd, 2011)
Aha... I never know New York only sells Luxurious-kind of canned sardine. I feel sorry for the sardines in Hong Kong.
New York, New York. 外國的朋友經常問我香港是一個怎樣的地方。"A small place. A lively big city." 我答。"Is it like New York?"... 不, 一點也不像。從來覺得 New York,尤其是 Manhattan, 是一個很大的遊樂場。有些人早上入場工作,晚上下班離開。有些人黃昏開始入場耍樂盡興,夜了或是隔天早上即回家休息。有 "員工宿舍" 坐落 Queens / Brooklyn,但環境不太好,治安也麻麻。 旅客大都選擇住在價錢相宜,離 Manhattan 才 20分鐘的 New Jersey。當然也有"星級貴賓"會住到 Central Park 兩旁的豪宅,但只屬少數族裔。People comes, People goes。因為沒有 "家" 的感覺和負擔,五花八門的玩意使人玩得瘋,玩得不負責任,只顧將自己眼前的享受無限放大。是,是可以很繁榮豐富,很紙醉金迷,很 dynamic,但酒醒人散後呢?‧死‧寂‧
香港不同的地方是有人在生活,是有幾百萬人在生活。香港人與人的互動中不多不少都帶著 "這裡是我的地方" 的認知,我沒法從遊客的角度看香港,但我相信香港的生命力和流動性是吸引的。
New York 竟然自覺很 "沙甸",我想大部香港都很難認同。大概 Micheal Wolf 可以捐幾本有關香港的攝影集給New York,讓他們見識一下真正的 density。